Saturday 27 February 2016

Pulp Fiction (1994) Review

What can I say about one of the most famous, popular and highly acclaimed films of all time? What can I say about a film which has been my favourite films for years and arguably the film that put one of the most popular filmmakers, Quentin Tarantino, on the hollywood map? The answer is not much, but I can try.

Pulp Fiction, Tarantino's second outing after his 1992 Reservoir Dogs, is a cinematic masterpiece. From the opening credits to the closing one's Pulp Fiction grabs you, sits you down and wishes you were wearing a seat belt as you spend 2hr 30mins being completely transfixed into the world of insanity that only such a master of a director like Tarantino can accomplish.

The cast is one of the best casts ever assembled, every actor not only turning up for a paycheck but every single character lending themselves to an acting ensemble that has yet, in my opinion, been matched. Some of the most memorable characters are not even on screen for 10 mins, yet you find yourself remembering them for more and more after every viewing. From Christopher Walken's small scene as Captain Koons, or Tarantino's cameo as Jimmie, you find yourself not only remembering these characters but falling in love with them, despite them barely being on screen.

The visual style that Tarantino employs here is unmatched, with this black comedy creating some of the most memorable shots and scenes in cinematic history. The dialogue makes this film one of the most quotable films of all time, and if you've managed to avoid hearing a single quote from this film then I implore you to give me the address of the rock you've been living under, I'm sure it's cosy.

As I write this I find myself at a loss of what to say. What can be said about a film that IS loved as much as this one. "Masterpiece" is thrown around so much today (believe me I even say it too much) but in this case it is 1000% justified because Pulp Fiction is a 1000% masterpiece from beginning to end.

So please, pretty please with sugar on top, watch the f*cking movie. You will not be disappointed.

My score: 9/10

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