Saturday 26 March 2016

Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) (Review)

I am one of the rare people that actually liked Man of Steel. Like actually ENJOYED Man of Steel. We are a rare group of people, but nay, we do exist. So when I heard Batman was showing up in the sequel I was like; "Yay, so now we can get a kick ass comic Batman AND let Synder make up for his mistakes in MOS - what could go wrong!". The answer to what could go wrong? Well evidently a lot, as is shown in this cluster-fuck, which is Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice.

What does Zack Synder and me have in common? Both our asses hurt. Mine hurt because I had to painstaking sit through two and a half hours of bullshit, and his ass hurt cause he basically shitted for two hours on screen to make a movie. Maybe I'm being a bit harsh, but its 1am and I am tired as f*ck.

The movie has positives.

The movie has negatives.
More or less everything else.

Batman was well crafted, enjoyable and basically kicked ass. Lex Luthor wasn't ASSSSSS bad as I thought he could of been, but thats not from Synder's lack of trying. The dialogue was poorly written, but Eisenberg's delivery, believe it or not, kept it from appearing too much to a grade schooler's level. Perry White was great as was Alfred, and I felt the so called 'smaller' characters did more for the film than Superman or Wonder Woman did.

However, even though there was negatives they are sadly outweighed by the negatives. The pacing is god-awful. The fight scenes are god-awful. The writing is god-awful. Lois Lane and Superman made me want to cry as I found myself praying to god we don't get another scene between them - and then low and behold Zacky boy shoved another one in.

Did it build a good world for future films to build on? Nope. Was it a good film? Nope. Was it at least enjoyable? (Minus ONE scene where Batman kicks serious ASS) Nope. Will I watch it again? Hell no, I physically couldn't take it.

Never have I wanted a film to be good and never as a film let me down so much. I have huge hope for a Batman stand alone film as the Batman element was good, but its a shame it was wrapped in over used CGI garbage, which ruined the film for me.

My score: 5.5/10


  1. Interesting that so many people love Avengers and its sequel and yet for me pretty much everything you said here applies there. Such a shame- but still what a fucking mess.

    1. The first Avengers is a good film, the second not so much. I can't think of anything of the negatives I had for BvS I had for Avengers
