Sunday 28 February 2016

Dogtooth (2009) (Mini-Review)

Dogtooth is a 2009 Greek film directed by Yorgos Lanthimos and let me preface this review with, if you have a weak stomach - don't watch this film. However, if you don't and love deep psychological dramas with a dark comedic undertone, then you will love this little gem of a film. The film has a simple premise and simple presentation however within this simplicity lies a deep dark subtext which presents a dark, disturbing - if not sometimes funny, look on society and the way we live our lives.

Yorgos Lanthimos crafts a deep look on society that, despite at times making me sick to my stomach, genuinely had moments where I found humour - a true testament to the filmmakers ability to mould dark themes with light tones to create a truly chilling film that shock me to the core and tormented me well after viewing it.

Without giving anything away, the ending is the most painful ending to a film I can remember in recent memory - and that's a good thing. It tormented me and left me with this hollow feeling that left me open mouthed staring at the screen well into the credits. I wanted  more than what the director gave me - but maybe that's what he wanted, this deep emptiness that upon re-watching the film found that I had throughout.

A tense, deep, dark and sometimes funny psychological drama that if you don't mind putting up with subtitles and a slow build up - then hopefully you'll fall in love with this film like I did.

My score: 8/10

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